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March 2020

Yellow Streetlights:

floating stars that trace my path home.

The warm glow of the amber moon 

is her face, 

golden in the flame of the lighter.

The sound of her quick flicks and giggles. 

Her soft inhale, the smokey breath of her exhale:  

shadows that blanket the round moon.

And now she bloodies the night,

veils it like a darkroom,

with her rouged cheeks and red eyes.


The streetlights, my guiding stars,

fade next to her,

and she becomes my sole shepherd home.

Fondling my thoughts, 

she smiles down at me, 

before losing me to the indoors.

The smell of skunk silhouettes the stairwell,

clouding my nose and mind with her. 


In my bed I lie still,

awaiting daybreak.