An Abecedarian
asleep next to me
butts smushed against each other
crescendo of car honks, sirens singing songs of urgency
distant white noise of our night
eyes of our baby two craters on the moon
face shadow smiling in the white light
goodnight moonbaby i whisper
hiccups shake the bed, shake your languid body
i turn to cuddle your soft, pink body
just like our baby
kin of kindred spirits
Lamb of God
ma-ma she coos from her crib
next, nestled in my bosom
on our mattress that molds to our skin
perched by the window that frames the night sky
quiet drifting from the clouds,
rumbling cars from the streets
siren sings us her sweet song of city sleep
til my eyes and my baby’s are shadowed craters once more
upstairs neighbor sleeps with his cigarettes
violet flames decorate his comforter
wake up wake up
Xs in your eyes
yonder, sirens beg me to take baby and leave
zesty taste of lemon on my tongue as i kiss you sweet dreams